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ZUNIS is an indie-psych rock trio comprised of three romantics in the modern age.
Matthew Miggins, Nick Meena, and Reggie Watson met through a high school Jazz
program at Tulsa School of Arts & Sciences and soon ZUNIS was born in the
backyard of a friend’s house. Their debut was successful and inspiring. The band
recorded and released their eponymous EP in 2016 and led a thriving DIY scene in
Tulsa staging all-ages shows in backyards, backrooms, empty warehouses, and squats.

ZUNIS introduced their second self-released EP, “Earth to Self” headlining a 4-band
bill to an all-ages audience at Tulsa’s Gateway Building. They were selected as an
official showcase band by SXSW and performed on the main stage at The Boom
Factory during SXSW 2019 in Austin, Texas.

ZUNIS performed locally and toured regionally in the summer prior to embarking on a
twenty city autumn tour through the mid-west and south. Highlights included an
industry showcase hosted by Norm Winer at Fort Knox Studios in Chicago, a visit to
JBTV with Jerry Bryant, and a performance set and interview on the SAFEHOUSE ATX
program in Austin.

The band is currently writing and recording and planning their 2020 tour.


“These guys are doing things differently and it’s f***king great.” -MARTIN ATKINS, Artist, Author, Educator 


“For just three dudes, ZUNIS makes a ton of noise. I immediately caught Tame Impala vibes and was very impressed by their live sound and visuals on stage at SXSW.” -TREVOR CHESLER, Booking/Marketing – BOK Center, Tulsa 


“Wickedly talented and professional, ZUNIS earned a spot on our official Tulsa stage at SXSW 2019. From promoting the show, to set up, to performance, working with ZUNIS is a treat that everyone should enjoy.” -ABBY KURIN, Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture 





Recent Notable Press:


Matthew Miggins /// Guitar & Lead Vocals

Nick Meena /// Bass & Vocals

Reggie Watson /// Drums & Percussion



Contact | Matthew Miggins

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Direction | Larry White

Email | mr.larrywhite


Booking | Julia Proctor

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